CCDalmatians Puppies Expected May 2020
CCDalmatians wish to confirm that Australian Champion CCDals Delta Royal Cleopatra (Dam/Mother) and RUBISS & MRUBIS Supreme Aust Ch CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame RN ET TDX CA WPD (Sire/Father) are expecting a litter of Puppies Mid May 2020. Pictured above and below Australian Champion CCDals Delta Royal Cleopatra (Dam/Mother Delta on the left) and RUBISS.. read more →
Happy New Year From CCDalmatians for 2020 – Best Dalmatian Breeder In Victoria 2019
CcDalmatians Continues it Vision to produce quality Dalmatians that are admired by all; from the show ring to the obedience ring, to the high sophisticated modelling industry and the wedding fraternity. In 2019 has again been a very successful with CCDalmatians being ranked for the second year in a row as the Best Dalmatian Breeder for Victoria plus gain.. read more →
Tribute to RUBISS Australian Champion Dimadal Journey To The Stars – Apollo
RUBISS Australian Champion Dimadal Journey To The Stars – Apollo Born on the 28th of December 2011. Apollo was Special from the moment he was born, born on my own Fathers birthday and his ear also featured the letter “B” with his spot formation his Breeders initial Boyle. Apollo was born to be a ‘Star’.. read more →
Happy New Year From CCDalmatians for 2019 – Best Dalmatian Breeder In Victoria 2018
CCDalmatians Vision is to produce quality Dalmatians to be admired by all. From the dog show ring, to the highly sophisticated up market fashion modelling world to the life of a well adjusted Dalmatian companion. 2018 “The Year Of The Dog” has been a very successful for CCDalmatians ranked the Best Dalmatian Breeder for Victoria plus placing.. read more →
RUBIS Aust Ch Calvin Iconic Fame JC ET – Continues to Excel in Mt Gambier (SA)
RUBIS Australian Champion Calvin Klein Iconic Fame JC ET (Calvin) continues to exceed all expectations and still remains the “Number One Dalmatian Nationally for the Breed In Australia”. Note Calvin is also ranked in third place at show level nationally for the breed – Dogzonline Pointscore 2018 year to date. Over Easter Calvin was shown by Anthony Gallo (one of.. read more →