Melbourne Royal Show 2017

Dalmatians were judged on the 28th of September 2017 by Internationally acclaimed all breeds judge Fabian Daza from Colombia. CCDalmatians only showed three Dalmatians at the Melbourne Royal in 2017 two baby puppies (CCDals From Paris From Love & CCDals Cruise Endless Love) and a Junior Male – CCDals Domino Dreams Come True. All the.. read more →

CCDalmatians Glamour Photo Shoot

CCDalmatians Glamour Shoot captured the true essence and character of our Dalmatians a big thank you goes to Verity Adams from HPR Photography.   CCDALS Elvis The Wonder Of You (Pictured above)   CCDalmatians are true Modals; please await for many more exciting images to be presented with two new Dalmatians modals CCDals From Paris With Love (Paris).. read more →

Group Winner Australian Champion CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame JC ET

CCDalmatians congratulates Sophie and Anthony Awdesho Gallo with their very exciting achievement at the Lockhart Society Show Winning Group with Australian Champion CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame JC ET, judged by Mrs Louise Thomas-van Der Weide (NSW). Australian Champion CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame JC ET (Calvin) was awarded the best dog in group 7 due his sensational conformation,.. read more →

CCDalmatians Birthday Celebrations – Daisy, Delta, Domino, Charles and Rain

Alicia’s children from her second litter all celebrated their first birthday in sensational style. The doggy birthday party produced, presented, organised and initiated by the most simply amazing Dalmatian owners; Nicci and Hayden Mitchell the owner of CCDals Devine Prince Charles. The presentation of the party table (pictured below) was truly an art work. The hand.. read more →

Introducing CCDalmatians Paris and Cruise

Paris and Cruise (from the internationally famous CCDals litter of 18) step out into the world of conformation showing with their first appearance on the 9th of September 2017 at the following two shows; the Yea & District Canine Association Inc (AM) show and the  Seymour & District Kennel Club Inc (PM) show. The two championship shows on the.. read more →