Happy New Year From CCDalmatians for 2020 – Best Dalmatian Breeder In Victoria 2019
CcDalmatians Continues it Vision to produce quality Dalmatians that are admired by all; from the show ring to the obedience ring, to the high sophisticated modelling industry and the wedding fraternity.
In 2019 has again been a very successful with CCDalmatians being ranked for the second year in a row as the Best Dalmatian Breeder for Victoria plus gain placing Third Nationally – Dogzonline Dog Show Point Score.
CCDalmatians in 2019 has produced –
- 5 Australian Champions – Australian Champion CCDals Flash Dance (Flash), Australian Champion CCDals Eva Eye Of The Tiger (Eva), Australian Champion CCDals Delta Royal Cleopatra (Delta), Australian Champion CCDals Gucci True Elegance (Gucci ) and Australian Champion CCDals From Paris With Love (Paris).
- 5 Obedience Titles with Supreme Australian Champion CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame (Calvin) gaining the following titles; Rally Novice (RN), Working Pack Dog (WPD), Coursing Ability (CA), Tracking Dog (TD) & Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX)
- Supreme Australian Champion CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame (Calvin) RN, WPD, CA, TD & TDX wins the very prestigious accreditation of “The Performance Dog Of the Year 2019” – Dalmatian Club Of Victoria 2019 based on immense number obedience titles obtained in 2019. Calvin proves that CCDalmatians not only produce highly creditable Show Dogs but Dalmatians that have an IQ and an aptitude to excel in the obedience arena as well
- CCDalmatians – MoDals modelling business has completed a multitude of modelling contracts and continues to grow in leaps and bound – Modelling for David Jones, Medibank and for a multiple number of weddings. (Featured Image Aust Ch CCDals Delta Royal Cleopatra (Delta) modelling).
The sheer work, patience and perseverance to succeed in the face of adversity especially in the show and obedience ring has genuinely paid off for CCDalmatians in 2019. Obtaining 5 Australian Champion titles and Anthony and Sophie Gallo completing 5 obedience titles with Calvin is tremendous achievement.
A Very Special thank you goes to Anthony and Sophie Gallo equally for their sheer dedication and commitment in 2019 with obtaining a diverse range of obedience titles with Supreme Australian Champion CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame (Calvin) RN, WPD, CA, TD & TDX (Calivin). The hours of training, travelling and lack of sleep have immensely paid off. Anthony and Sophie have highly exemplified that CCDalmatians produce dogs with perfect conformation, are beautiful, intelligent plus are exceptionally athletic. Calvin is a brilliant attribute to the breed gaining 10 Official Titles with the Australian National Kennel Council to his name throughout his life year to date.
Pictured Above Supreme Australian Champion CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame RN, WPD, CA, TD & TDX (Calvin)
In 2019 saw the introduction of a new Young Rising Star ‘CCDals Isabella Idyllic Beauty’ – Isabella. Isabella hit the show ring with a brilliant outgoing temperament under the watchful eyes of her mum Aust Ch CCDals Daisy Like The Wind . Note Isabella has only been shown briefly in 2019. The future looks very exciting for Isabella who has the darkest eyes and the most amazing spotting pigmentation, graceful movement and exceptional Pedigree.
Pictured Above CCDals Isabella Idyllic Beauty – Isabella Puppy Preschool Graduation
Further to the most sensational highlights of the show and obedience ring “MoDals” continues to grow in leaps and bound. CCDalamatians / MoDals again completed a multitude of modelling contracts for David Jones, David Jones Commercials and Medibank. MoDals also started modelling for the Wedding Fraternity and new Fashion Labels all modelling jobs have been an absolutely amazing experience.
MoDal Models Pictured Above are Aust Champion CCDals Domino Dreams Come True (Domino) and Aust Champion CCDals Delta Royal Cleopratra (Delta) – Brother and Sister
In line with the success of our own CCDalmatians; we have had the privileged opportunity to show a variety of other breeds of dogs. Aust Ch Ruslana Harvard – Harvey a Russian Black Terrier for Terry Lia, obtaining Multople Runner Up In Group Awards, Multiple Best of Breeds, plus Best of Breed at the Melbourne Royal and finishing in the Top 8 in Group 6 (448 Dogs in the group) at the Melbourne Royal 2019.
I also had the privilege of showing Aust Ch Sonderwol Legend Zap (Import Russia) Xoloitzcuintle – Valentino (Mexican Hairless Dog Standard) for Julie Laszuk gaining multiple Best of Breeds and Bests In Group at Wodonga. I also showed very briefly Vonpeta Raised On Conad – Remi German Shepard for Dianne Young and obtain Minor In Group and Reserve Challenge at Bendigo Agricultural Show.
Pictured Above Aust Ch Ruslana Harvard – Harvey a Russian Black Terrier with his owners Terry and Sarah Lia
Pictured Above Aust Ch Sonderwol Legend Zap – Valentino Xoloitzcuintle and Vonpeta Raised On Conad – Remi German Shepard
On a Fun Filled Note Aust Ch CCDals Gucci True Elegance (Gucci) was selected to perform in the ring with ‘Junior Handlers’ Kelsey Brown and Chelsea Dorsey Berlyn (pictured below left to right) all parties had a ball a great experience for Gucci.
Video – ‘Junior Handlers’ Kelsey Brown showing Aust Ch CCDals Gucci True Elegance (Gucci).
A Big Thank you to all the CCDalmatians Owners, Supporters, Professional Trainer Ashley Reid and all the Show and Obedience Judges that have genuinely acknowledged the attributes of all our Dalmatians.