Happy New Year From CCDalmatians for 2021
In 2020 with no conformation shows in Victoria after March 2020 due to COVID Dogzonline Dog Show Point Score was cancelled sadly hence no breeders Nationally could be ranked on their progeny.
CCDalmatians in 2020 has produced 5 New Show Additions –
- CCDals Journey To Success Alexa (Alexa)
- CCDals Lady In Red (Lady)
- CCDals Maggie You Stole My Heart (Maggie)
- CCDals Nikita Looks Do Kill (Nikita)
- CCDals Oliver A Star Is Born (Oliver)
CCDalmatians – MoDals modelling business again continues to grow. MoDals completed contracts for Strand Bags, Kmart, David Jones, Houndstooth Australia and advertising agencies. CCDals Lady In Red (Lady) completed a contract for Kmart. CCDals Ideal Loved One Khabib (Khabib) and CCDals Element Pure Pepper (Pepper) completed Modelling contracts in NSW for Strand Bags and Houndstooth Australia. CCDals Maggie You Stole My Heart (Maggie) and Australian Champion Delta Royal Cleopatra (Delta) completed multiple contracts for David Jones and advertising agencies.
A Very Special thank you goes to Lauren Richardson, Bobby Cairns, Keeley Cairns, Sophie and Anthony Gallo, Rebekah Szabo, Douglas Marsh, Diane Boyle and Janis and Garry Wombwell (in no particular order) all these individuals genuinely helped me throughout 2020. These individuals did a tremendous job from helping me with raising my litters, puppy socialization, cleaning and feeding, show selection and examination plus taking professional photos. An Amazing job undertaken by all parties thank you immensely.
The New Rising Stars –
CCDals Journey To Success Alexa (Alexa) is the daughter of CCDals Forever Perfect Paige (Paige) and Australian Champion CCDals Gucci True Elegance (Gucci) – giving her true Elegance and the ability to freely move.
CCDals Journey To Success Alexa is a 4th Generation CCDalmatians who has a very exciting future ahead of her.
Pictured Above CCDals Journey To Success Alexa – Alexa & CCDals Forever Perfect Paige – Alexas Mother
CCDals Lady In Red (Lady) is the The daughter of RUBISS & MRUBIS Supreme Aust Ch CCDals Calvin Klein Iconic Fame RN ET TDX CA WPD (Sire/Father Calvin) and Australian Champion CCDals Delta Royal Cleopatra (Dam/Mother) – giving her intelligence and the ability to freely move.
CCDals Lady In Red is a 3rd Generation CCDalmatians who has a very exciting future ahead of her with a Sensational Pedigree to match.
Pictured Above CCDals Lady In Red (Lady) – Puppy Preschool Graduation – Ballarat Obedience School
CCDals Maggie You Stole My Heart (Maggie) (Featured Image) and CCDals Nikita Looks Do Kill (Nikita) share the same father – “CCDals Elvis The Wonder of You (Elivis)”.
Maggie Mother is Australian Champion CCDals Daisy Like The Wind (Daisy).
Nikita’s mum is Australian Champion CCDals From Paris With Love (Paris).
Both Maggie and Nikita are 3rd Generation CCDalmatians.
Pictured Above CCDals Maggie You Stole My Heart (Maggie) + Featured Image
Pictured Above CCDals Nikita Looks Do Kill (Nikita)
Finally the most exciting New Addition for 2020 Is CCDals Oliver A Star Is Born (Oliver)(AI) who is the son of MBISS and MBIS American Champion Tuckaway Winged Foot CGU* & ROMX* (Jack) and Australian Champion CCDals Eva Eye Of The Tiger (Eva).
Olivers Father MBISS & MBIS American Champion Tuckaway Winged Foot CGU* & ROMX* (Jack) has been recognized at the Top Winning Dalmatian in American History. (*CGU = Canine Good Citizen and ROMW = Registered Merit of Excellent In producing Champions).
Jack won in his life time 38 Dalmatian Specialty Shows, 18 Best In Shows, 427 Best of Breeds and produced 106 American Champions. –
A special Thank you goes to Carrie Jordan for enabling me to produced this litter which has been a lifelong dream.
CCDals Oliver A Star Is Born is a 2nd Generation CCDalmatians. A Very Exciting show future awaits Oliver who has a very impressive pedigree.
Pictured Above CCDals Oliver A Star Is Born (Oliver)(AI)
Very Exciting times ahead for these new Show Recruits / MoDals.
MoDals in Action –
CCDals Maggie You Stole My Heart (Maggie) and Australian Champion CCDals Delta Royal Cleopatra (Delta) Modelling for David Jones
A Big Thank you to all the CCDalmatians Owners, Supporters, and all the Modelling Fraternity that have genuinely acknowledged the attributes of all our Dalmatians.
Love seeing what CCdals are up to and the photos of gorgeous puppies.
Thank you immensely- Exciting times in 2021