05 Jul 2017

Internationally Famous CCDalmatians – 18 Puppies In One Litter


CCDalmatians is very please to acknowledge that the world internationally has significantly acknowledged this very Famous Litter Of 18 CCDalmatian puppies in one litter.

Miley-Feeding-Puppies(Sarasota From Russia With Love – Miley feeding all 18 puppies taking motherhood in her stride)

The largest Dalmatian litter in Australian history and meeting the World Record to date.

Miley-Running-with-PuppiesCCDalmatians has been very busy completing numerous media interviews for Television, Radio and Newspapers nationally and internationally. The true enormity and immense interest in the litter signifies that this litter is Exceptional.

CCDalmatians wishes to sincerely thank Jonathan Kearsley from Channel Nine news, Catherine Lambert from the Herald Sun Newspaper, Mark Stewart (the professional photographer) from the Herald Sun Newspaper and Tui Benjamin from Caters News for presenting our Exceptional Famous Litter in the media to perfection.

The links below are a snapshot of some of the Media coverage nationally and internationally;







A big thank you, with a high degree of gratitude goes to Jade Martin and her family including Lulu Jades daughter. Who have all constantly and consistently nurtured, loved, feed (every 4 hours for the first 4 weeks of the puppies life), trained, exercised and cleaned the beloved CCDalmatians puppies to perfection since they were born on the 18 May 2017 with help from CCDalmatians.


The biggest Congratulations goes to the mother of the puppies Sarasota From Russia With Love (Miley) (Dam/Mother) and the father of the puppies and CCDals Astro Wonder Boy (Astro) (Sire/ Father) who have produced these extraordinary Dalmatians. Miley loving nature and Astro Wonder Boy Powers have truly come to fruition, producing a super sized litter that are very well adjusted and healthy.

Miley-and-Astro(Pictured left to right Sarasota From Russia With Love (Miley)  (Dam/Mother) and CCDals Astro Wonder Boy (Astro) (Sire/ Father))

(All Photo taken by Mark Stewart)


4 Responses to Internationally Famous CCDalmatians – 18 Puppies In One Litter
  1. OMG they have certainly grabbed everybodies attention right around the globe delighting their viewers with playful antics and Dalmatian puppy cuteness. News platforms, TV and radio all buzzing about the truly famous CCDals litter of 18.

    Such an amazing promotional success for your kennel name and the Dalmatian breed in general. Well done CCDalmatians!

    • Thank you immensely.
      Truly a sensational litter, acknowledged with credits Nationally and Internationally.
      The puppies will always been known at the Famous 18

  2. We are so lucky to now own one of the Famous Eighteen, gorgeous Lucia. It was well worth the wait! She has only been home for a few days but has fitted in nicely. Not only has she mastered the steep staircase to our amazement, she is well on the way to being toilet trained. Her “brother ” Thomas took a few days to accept the tiny girl but now they happily chase each other around the house. So nice to have a playful puppy again!
    Thank you CECILIA


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