28 Sep 2017

Melbourne Royal Show 2017

1 Comment

Dalmatians were judged on the 28th of September 2017 by Internationally acclaimed all breeds judge Fabian Daza from Colombia.

CCDalmatians only showed three Dalmatians at the Melbourne Royal in 2017 two baby puppies (CCDals From Paris From Love & CCDals Cruise Endless Love) and a Junior Male – CCDals Domino Dreams Come True. All the CCDalmatians won their classes and were awarded first place. The true Star on the day was CCDals From Paris With Love (Paris) winning Baby Puppy of Breed and Best Puppy In Ring for the day. Paris had to compete with all the Best Baby Puppies in the ring to be selected and chosen as a candidate for Best Baby Puppy Of Day.


Paris-Baby-Puppy-Of-Breed-Melb-Royal-2017-webCCDals From Paris With Love (Pictured above)


CCDals Domino Dreams Come True (pictured above)

Melbourne Royal is judged in a different manner to standard conformation shows; only the Best Baby Puppy of each day (hence only 7 baby puppies return) are required to return to the ring along with all the Best Of Breeds and Best Puppies of Breed on the final judging day. With 7 Groups judged, 4 winners are selected per group in descending order with only the number 1 winner per group being eligible to run in for Best In Show. Only one Best Puppy Is selected per group to run for Best Puppy In Show.  The 7 best in group winners will then run for Best In Show and 4 will be selected in descending order of priority the number 1 winner will win Best In Show and the number 2 winner will win Runner Up In Show.

CCDalmatians wishes to sincerely thank Fabian Daza from Colombia for highly accrediting our new rising stars CCDals From Paris From Love (Paris) & CCDals Cruise Endless Love (Cruise) (pictured below Cruise left and right Paris).


CCDalmatians also especially acknowledges Jodie Reid and her daughter Monique that own CCDals Cruise Endless Love for their tireless support and for being brilliant professional photographer throughout the length Melbourne Royal day.

One Response to Melbourne Royal Show 2017
  1. Hi CC
    It was lovely meeting you today at the Sunbury show, with my daughter Jamieson and our Dalmatian puppy, Pepper. Your thoughtful advice was much appreciated. Just thought I would touch base electronically with you and say thank you and hope to meet you again at a future show.
    Kind Regards
    Kerry and Jamieson Kirk


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