11 Jun 2019

Tribute to RUBISS Australian Champion Dimadal Journey To The Stars – Apollo


RUBISS Australian Champion Dimadal Journey To The Stars – Apollo Born on the 28th of December 2011. Apollo was Special from the moment he was born, born on my own Fathers birthday and his ear also featured the letter “B” with his spot formation his Breeders initial Boyle.


Apollo was born to be a ‘Star’ hence his Pedigree name. Apollo by name and by nature a Star full of life, youthful and athletic. A truly loyal friend who always smiled; passed away on the 11th of June 2019 at 10.30 pm EST approximately, at the age of only 7 1/2 years old due to a massive blood infection.


Apollo leaves a great legacy generating 4 litters whilst he was alive and commenced the MoDals modelling agency for CCDalmatians. Apollo was a true charmer and smiler; loved by hundreds when he completed major modelling contracts. Back stage Apollo would kiss all the models and lick off all their foundation as quickly as it was applied by the makeup artiest.


Apollo was in his True Element” modelling it was his prime vocation. Review Australia stated in the L’Hotel Campaign contract that “The Limelight was Stolen by a beautiful pooch a Striking Dalmatian called Apollo – Aust Ch Dimadal Journey To The Stars. We Loved working with Apollo in the photo shoot.” Apollo was especially chosen by Review Australia to exemplify the opulence of their new luxurious Clothing collection.


Apollo due to his amazing beauty , rich black spotting pigmentation, crystal clear white coat and dark dark brown eyes dazzled the Dog Show world to since he was a baby puppy.  Apollo Started off his Show career with a bang in 2012 winning “Baby Puppy In Group” at the Bulla Extravaganza the Judge was Mr G Carleton (NZ) (pictured below). Apollo then went on to win the Prestigious award of  “Puppy In Group” at the Adelaide Royal  the Judge was Mr J Muldoon (Ireland).


Apollo-Winning-Puppy-In-Group-Adelaide-Royal-2012Pictured above RUBISS Australian Champion Dimadal Journey To The Stars – Apollo Winning Puppy In Group Adelaide Royal 2012 

Apollos’ highest achievement was winning Runner Up In Show under a Dalmatian specialist judged Mr Robert Hernandez from England, with 79 Dalmatians entered in the show at the 64th Dalmatian Club Of Victoria (DCOV) Championship Show 2014.  Apollo was also highly accredited consistently by Dalmatian Specialist Judges, Mrs J Perry from Thailand (Dalmatian Specialist Judge) also awarded Apollo Best In Group, Intermediate in Group and in Show  in 2014. Apollo was also highly credited by international and national judges awarding his numerous numbers of Best in Groups, Age Classes in Show and Classes in Group throughout his life.



A big ‘Thank You” goes to all the show judges, the modelling fraternity, the general public and most importantly to Dianne Boyle (who bred our Beloved Apollo) who all admired and had faith in Apollo and most importantly recognised Apollo as a “TRUE STAR”

Apollo was one of kind he was “Not Just a Dog”. Apollo was a soul mate, a friend, a loyal companion and model that lighten up of the life of all who met him; ” A Bright Shinning Star”.  Apollos Legacy lives on in his Children and will never by forgotten.


Apollo was genuinely loved and adored.  Love you Always Apollo. 




2 Responses to Tribute to RUBISS Australian Champion Dimadal Journey To The Stars – Apollo
  1. The one with Cecilia holding Apollo on the beach with a Dally hat shows Apollo’s amazing distinct spotting and masculine head


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