CCDals Oliver Born To Be A Star


Oliver is a superb dog with immense presence. Hitting the Modelling Scene at a very young age a MoDal. CCDalmatians are exceptionally excited to see this boy matures. Oliver has very clear and define spotting, strong top line and brilliant reach and drive. A Young Show Star in the making

CCDals Oliver Born To Be A Star – Oliver Is a Striking Black and White spotted Male with Regal disposition and expression. Olivers spotting is very even, exceptionally dark and well defined. A combination of Tuckaway (USA), Krystaway, Dimadal & Whytewood lines.

Oliver Father MBISS & MBIS American Champion Tuckaway Winged Foot CGU* & ROMX* (Jack) has been recognised at the Top Winning Dalmatian in American History. Jack won in his life time 38 Dalmatian Specialty Shows, 18 Best In Shows, 427 Best of Breeds and produced 106 American Champions.
*(CGU = Canine Good Citizen and ROMW = Registered Merit of Excellent In producing Champions).

Temperament: A very sweet hearted, affectionate and exceptionally outgoing Dog just like his mum and dad – Australian Champion CCDals Eva The Eye Of The Tiger (Eva) and American Champion Tuckaway Winged Foot (Jack).

  • BAER tested +/+ Bi Lateral
  • Full Dentition

CCDals Oliver A Star Is Born is a 2nd Generation CCDalmatian.

Exciting show future awaits Oliver who has a very impressive pedigree.


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